Moderating Partial Least Square To The Management Information System With Total Quality Management Of Study Program Performance


Dr. Ir. Chablullah Wibisono, MM.

PROGRAM STUDI Magister Manajemen Sains


Batam, Indonesia


Education at higher education institutions need support in particular of human
resources facilitate so that the educational process can run well. Lecturer highly
affects the quality of the lecture and the output generated by the higher education
institution. To achieve this, the lecturer is desirable social sensitivity and academic
competence in transforming the existing science to his students. The purpose of this
research is to know the influence of organizational culture on performance through
Total Quality Management (TQM) and involves Management Information Systems
(MIS) as moderating variable. The results of the study with partial least sqaure (PLS)
approach scheme "path" indicates that moderating MIS with indicator of information
systems and information systems network at TQM with indicator of sustainable
process management and improvement is a model that fit based on the criteria value
of R2 and Q2. MIS as a moderating TQM provides a strengthening effect on
performance. Dominant influence organizational culture with indicator of
organizational clarity and reward systems on TQM and subsequently affect studies
program performance with indicator of involvement research and teaching