Dr. Ir. Chablullah Wibisono, MM
This research is to describe about Shalat as a consequence for person who belief to Allah In empirical way the writer stated that the social community (jama’ah) whose actively do Shalat cannot be portrayed the same, it means that not all of them represent the positive performance. Shalat bring positive influence toward employee performance or conversely? The results of structural equation modelling analysis show that Shalat is directly influence on work performance with negative value. It can be indicated by a coefficient -1.35 with the probability for 0.00. it can be inferred that there is negative influence when the motivation to do Shalat are high the performance will be low. This effect isn’t relevant with the theory which stated the number of praying, Shalat and Fasting can be as much higher motivation toward the quality of performance. Those potentiality is illahiyah asset that should be managed well in establishing the charity (Tasmara, 1995: 77). Allah Swt. Give his blessing to all human with those potentialities in order to make consciousness about how pray can bring big influence to the performance. Hopefully, this article are functioned as well as finding the heighten of employee performance with Shalat suitable with Muslim studies as whole.