Prayer Determination toward Employess Performance


Dr. Ir. Chablullah Wibisono, MM.

PROGRAM STUDI Magister Manajemen Sains


Batam, Indonesia


is a consequence for person who belief to God as their duty by performing in five times a day. Those are dawn
Dzuhur, Ashar, Maghrib and sobs Prayer is the pillars of Musli m , “whoever does the direction, they has heighten their
religion, whoever leave mea ns has moved down theirs. Prayer will bring positive impact to performance of human if
there is good process that followed and done constantly.
According to Rais (1998:60) a good way in
Prayer could give good charity to Muslims itself while if not, so th e charity
for them must be not well. Although more Muslim people come to mosque, it doesn’t show that in society they do not
do disavowal. Like have been stated by Rais (1998: 60) the answer is “because the soul of Prayer didn’t life in its
person”. They m ight do Prayer practically and routine but don’t draw it in their daily life.
Allah SWT asks Muslims to give to the poor and sick of human living in this world. It is called as zakat.
like in this
quote “….give zakat and give loan to Allah a goodly loan, and whatever good you send before you yourself” (Q.S.Al
Muzammil: 20). This letter is not without meaning, the writer thought that there is a significant relationship in causality
between prayer and zakat. Base d on this theory someone who do Prayer frequen tly will give maximum in doing Zakat.
Here, the writer can say that this Muslim categorize as success person economically. Isn’t the fac t? . In empirical way
the writer can see that the social community whose actively do Prayer cannot be portrayed the sam e, it means that not
all of them represent the positive performance. Hence, the writer interested to this topic about does prayer bring positive
influence toward employee performance or conversely?
The results of structural equation modelling analysis show