Effect Of Capital Needs, Halal Profit, And Services on The Establishment of the Islamic Bank of Islamic Financing (BPRS) In The Provinve of Riau islands-Indonesia


Dr. Ir. Chablullah Wibisono, MM.

PROGRAM STUDI Magister Manajemen Sains


Batam, Indonesia


Factual in Batam as the Reviews largest city in the Riau Islands province designated as a Free
Trade Zone (FTZ abbreviated Fre Trade Zone) economic inequalities have the caused by the
capitalist economic system, who have the capital will be decisive in the economic competition.
FTZ does not Contribute Significantly to the community economy. Publishers Survey Statistics
Agency stated that the behavior of private consumption tends consumptive Batam, Batam 65%
of the money used to buy goods psikokogis, the remaining 35% to purchase goods physiological.
The emergence of Islamic Banking and Islamic democracy is expected to stimulate the economy.
It is, therefore, Necessary Effect of Capital Needs Survey Research, Halal and Islamic Profit
Services Against Establishment BPRS At the Riau Islands. In this study, the variables can be
divided into independent variables (independent variables) are variables that Affect, consisting
of (X1) Capital Requirement, (X2) Profit Halal, (X3) Services Islami. The dependent variable is
(Y) is the establishment of the BPRS. Population 175 Micro Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs),
the size of the study sample, Slovin Carried out measurements using a formula so that the study
sample was 122 SMEs / person. Multiple linear regression analysis Expressed in the following
equation: Y = a + b1x1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + e. With the following results: The coefficient of
determination (D) 56.9% means the establishment of the BPRS (Y) influenced Capital
Requirement (X1), Profit Halal (X2), Islamic Services (X3), together amounting to 56.9%. The
remaining amount of 100% - 56.9% = 43.10% influenced by other factors not Examined on this
occasion. A survey of all SMEs in the Riau Islands BPRS states requires every district and town
owned by the Government Provincial Capital to Anticipate needs and protects lenders in the